The ghost is back. Each time I have a look at my page, he is there. As always with the ghost, I have to force myself not to give meaning to his presence. He is there because he wants to be there, or hasn't realized he was there. It has nothing to do with me.
It has nothing to do with me. The rest is only in my brain.

When the ghost was alive, a long time ago, any little thing in my daily life would become a sign of his presence. Thinking of him when opening my eyes in the morning. Thinking of him when brushing my teeth. When listening to a song on the radio. When smoking or drinking some red wine. He was like a piece of my brain, like a continuous TV channel switched on, like a big cloud invading any small part of my sky. I was constantly reminded of him.
When he disappeared from my life, it was a long grieving process to get out from him. The most difficult thing to kill is your own thoughts, to switch off the channel. To see the toothbrush or the clouds, when there's nothing else to see. To remember constantly that the ghost has gone and has nothing to do with me now. It took me years.
I don't like to get to the same webspace or page as him, because it gets me back to the grieving process and to him, to some extent. I have to make efforts, I have to resist. Exhausting.